06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT
06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT
06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT
26日下午,李敏镐出席了在首尔江南区清潭洞举办的新秀丽"RED Say with 李敏镐"活动,并透露了今年的回归计划。
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[source] => Array ( [so_id] => 1 [so_title] => Kpopstarz [so_slug] => kpopstarz [so_footer] => © 2016 KpopStarz.com All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. [so_image] => [so_url] => http://kpopstarz.com [so_order] => 1 [so_google_crawl] => 1 [so_timestamp] => 1 [source] => © 2016 KpopStarz.com All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. [source_amp] => © 2016 KpopStarz.com All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. ) [reporter_real_name] => 程婧琪 [content] =>26日下午,李敏镐出席了在首尔江南区清潭洞举办的新秀丽"RED Say with 李敏镐"活动,并透露了今年的回归计划。
[content_origin] =>26日下午,李敏镐出席了在首尔江南区清潭洞举办的新秀丽"RED Say with 李敏镐"活动,并透露了今年的回归计划。
[content_mobile] =>26日下午,李敏镐出席了在首尔江南区清潭洞举办的新秀丽"RED Say with 李敏镐"活动,并透露了今年的回归计划。
[content_amp] =>26日下午,李敏镐出席了在首尔江南区清潭洞举办的新秀丽"RED Say with 李敏镐"活动,并透露了今年的回归计划。
[ar_category] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ca_id] => 45 [ca_slug] => photos [ca_title] => 图片 ) [1] => Array ( [ca_id] => 47 [ca_slug] => photos-events [ca_title] => 韩星活动 ) ) [photobaseurl] => https://www.kpopstarz.cn/articles/61539///photo )