06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT
06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT
06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT
今日(2日),ROSé在个人INS(roses_are_rosie)晒出了自己在悉尼演唱会时拍的照片,并说道,“So I know this is super outdated and I am so late with these! But these are some pics from our sydney concert and I have to say it was the best finish to our tour and I couldn't have asked for a better ending. Blinks, u guys were a blessing to this tour. THANK U THANK U THANK U for these unforgettable... irreplaceable! memories and I just CANNOT wait to come back to see all your beautiful faces one more time! I say this too much but I do love u to the moon and back *ting*”
“我知道这超时了,我这么晚发才这些!但这些是我们悉尼演唱会的一些照片,我不得不说,这是我们的巡演最好的结局,不可能还有更好的。Blinks,你们是这次巡演的幸运儿。谢谢你和这里难忘的一切,是不可替代的!想念,我等不及再回来看看,你们美丽的脸!我说了很多,但我真的爱你们,比到月球还远*TING* ”
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=> Array ( [im_width] => 690 [im_height] => 862 ) [481939] => Array ( [im_width] => 690 [im_height] => 862 ) [481940] => Array ( [im_width] => 690 [im_height] => 862 ) [481941] => Array ( [im_width] => 690 [im_height] => 862 ) [481942] => Array ( [im_width] => 690 [im_height] => 862 ) ) ) [youtube] => Array ( [ar_youtube] => [ar_youtube_count] => 0 [ar_youtube_editor_count] => 0 [ar_youtube_top_count] => 0 ) [related] => Array ( ) [source] => Array ( [so_id] => 1 [so_title] => Kpopstarz [so_slug] => kpopstarz [so_footer] => © 2016 KpopStarz.com All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. [so_image] => [so_url] => http://kpopstarz.com [so_order] => 1 [so_google_crawl] => 1 [so_timestamp] => 1 [source] => © 2016 KpopStarz.com All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. [source_amp] => © 2016 KpopStarz.com All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. ) [reporter_real_name] => KPZNews [content] =>今日(2日),ROSé在个人INS(roses_are_rosie)晒出了自己在悉尼演唱会时拍的照片,并说道,“So I know this is super outdated and I am so late with these! But these are some pics from our sydney concert and I have to say it was the best finish to our tour and I couldn't have asked for a better ending. Blinks, u guys were a blessing to this tour. THANK U THANK U THANK U for these unforgettable... irreplaceable! memories and I just CANNOT wait to come back to see all your beautiful faces one more time! I say this too much but I do love u to the moon and back *ting*”
“我知道这超时了,我这么晚发才这些!但这些是我们悉尼演唱会的一些照片,我不得不说,这是我们的巡演最好的结局,不可能还有更好的。Blinks,你们是这次巡演的幸运儿。谢谢你和这里难忘的一切,是不可替代的!想念,我等不及再回来看看,你们美丽的脸!我说了很多,但我真的爱你们,比到月球还远*TING* ”
[content_origin] =>今日(2日),ROSé在个人INS(roses_are_rosie)晒出了自己在悉尼演唱会时拍的照片,并说道,“So I know this is super outdated and I am so late with these! But these are some pics from our sydney concert and I have to say it was the best finish to our tour and I couldn't have asked for a better ending. Blinks, u guys were a blessing to this tour. THANK U THANK U THANK U for these unforgettable... irreplaceable! memories and I just CANNOT wait to come back to see all your beautiful faces one more time! I say this too much but I do love u to the moon and back *ting*”
“我知道这超时了,我这么晚发才这些!但这些是我们悉尼演唱会的一些照片,我不得不说,这是我们的巡演最好的结局,不可能还有更好的。Blinks,你们是这次巡演的幸运儿。谢谢你和这里难忘的一切,是不可替代的!想念,我等不及再回来看看,你们美丽的脸!我说了很多,但我真的爱你们,比到月球还远*TING* ”
[content_mobile] =>今日(2日),ROSé在个人INS(roses_are_rosie)晒出了自己在悉尼演唱会时拍的照片,并说道,“So I know this is super outdated and I am so late with these! But these are some pics from our sydney concert and I have to say it was the best finish to our tour and I couldn't have asked for a better ending. Blinks, u guys were a blessing to this tour. THANK U THANK U THANK U for these unforgettable... irreplaceable! memories and I just CANNOT wait to come back to see all your beautiful faces one more time! I say this too much but I do love u to the moon and back *ting*”
“我知道这超时了,我这么晚发才这些!但这些是我们悉尼演唱会的一些照片,我不得不说,这是我们的巡演最好的结局,不可能还有更好的。Blinks,你们是这次巡演的幸运儿。谢谢你和这里难忘的一切,是不可替代的!想念,我等不及再回来看看,你们美丽的脸!我说了很多,但我真的爱你们,比到月球还远*TING* ”
[content_amp] =>今日(2日),ROSé在个人INS(roses_are_rosie)晒出了自己在悉尼演唱会时拍的照片,并说道,“So I know this is super outdated and I am so late with these! But these are some pics from our sydney concert and I have to say it was the best finish to our tour and I couldn't have asked for a better ending. Blinks, u guys were a blessing to this tour. THANK U THANK U THANK U for these unforgettable... irreplaceable! memories and I just CANNOT wait to come back to see all your beautiful faces one more time! I say this too much but I do love u to the moon and back *ting*”
“我知道这超时了,我这么晚发才这些!但这些是我们悉尼演唱会的一些照片,我不得不说,这是我们的巡演最好的结局,不可能还有更好的。Blinks,你们是这次巡演的幸运儿。谢谢你和这里难忘的一切,是不可替代的!想念,我等不及再回来看看,你们美丽的脸!我说了很多,但我真的爱你们,比到月球还远*TING* ”
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