图片 / rose

ROSE也晒出巴黎游客照 一身休闲装倍显轻松自由








配文:“Paris, I had so much fun performing for u guys. U guys are so sweet and so energetic I've never really experienced anything like it before! I hope we come back very soon. Thank u for the unforgettable memories. Je t'aime pour toujours ️”

结束Black Pink巴黎演唱会的ROSE,一身白色衬衫、竖条纹休闲裤来到了巴黎的街头,说道“most definitely the city of love”,看来肉肉很是喜欢巴黎这个城市呢。


标签 :  rose, Black Pink, 巴黎


06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT


06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT


06.10.13 | 05:26AM PT


Array ( [ar_id] => 198272 [ar_title] => ROSE也晒出巴黎游客照 一身休闲装倍显轻松自由 [ar_subtitle] => [ar_mtitle] => [ar_summary] => 希望肉肉能放松放松心情,积蓄好能量,继续出发!我们也是你的energy! 今日(28日),ROSE在INS上发文向巴黎的热情表示感谢,并表示希望我们会很快回来!同时也晒出了自己在法国巴黎游览时的照片。 配文:“Paris, I had so much fun performing for u guys. [ar_content] =>


配文:“Paris, I had so much fun performing for u guys. U guys are so sweet and so energetic I've never really experienced anything like it before! I hope we come back very soon. Thank u for the unforgettable memories. Je t'aime pour toujours ️”

结束Black Pink巴黎演唱会的ROSE,一身白色衬衫、竖条纹休闲裤来到了巴黎的街头,说道“most definitely the city of love”,看来肉肉很是喜欢巴黎这个城市呢。


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配文:“Paris, I had so much fun performing for u guys. U guys are so sweet and so energetic I've never really experienced anything like it before! I hope we come back very soon. Thank u for the unforgettable memories. Je t'aime pour toujours ️”

结束Black Pink巴黎演唱会的ROSE,一身白色衬衫、竖条纹休闲裤来到了巴黎的街头,说道“most definitely the city of love”,看来肉肉很是喜欢巴黎这个城市呢。


[content_origin] =>


配文:“Paris, I had so much fun performing for u guys. U guys are so sweet and so energetic I've never really experienced anything like it before! I hope we come back very soon. Thank u for the unforgettable memories. Je t'aime pour toujours ️”

结束Black Pink巴黎演唱会的ROSE,一身白色衬衫、竖条纹休闲裤来到了巴黎的街头,说道“most definitely the city of love”,看来肉肉很是喜欢巴黎这个城市呢。


[content_mobile] =>


配文:“Paris, I had so much fun performing for u guys. U guys are so sweet and so energetic I've never really experienced anything like it before! I hope we come back very soon. Thank u for the unforgettable memories. Je t'aime pour toujours ️”

结束Black Pink巴黎演唱会的ROSE,一身白色衬衫、竖条纹休闲裤来到了巴黎的街头,说道“most definitely the city of love”,看来肉肉很是喜欢巴黎这个城市呢。


[content_amp] =>


配文:“Paris, I had so much fun performing for u guys. U guys are so sweet and so energetic I've never really experienced anything like it before! I hope we come back very soon. Thank u for the unforgettable memories. Je t'aime pour toujours ️”

结束Black Pink巴黎演唱会的ROSE,一身白色衬衫、竖条纹休闲裤来到了巴黎的街头,说道“most definitely the city of love”,看来肉肉很是喜欢巴黎这个城市呢。


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